Teaching Stuff

Ophelia Greene

Office of the President

Since her tenure began in 2002, President Greene has recruited distinguished faculty, raised academic standards and dramatically increased fundraising, transforming Kempbelle into a selective, top-ranked college.

Members of ΔΕΠ/ΕΔΙΠ/ΕΤΕΠ

Konstantinos Aivaliotis (PhD, MA) is Assistant Professor at the Cultural Technology and Communication department of the University of Aegean. He holds degrees in Socio-cultural and Visual Anthropology (UK, Goldsmiths College) and Anthropology of Education (France, Univ. Rouen) and his work and academic interests focus on creative and ethnographic documentary, film festivals and film markets via an interdisciplinary approach on cultural industries. He has produced two feature-length documentaries, more than ten short documentaries and directed four. From 2008 to 2016 he was programmer at the Athens International Film Festival and from 2017-2020 he served as Director of Promotion at the Greek Film Centre. Today, in addition to his academic duties, he is the co-founder and director of the ETHNOFEST organisation and titular festival, Regional Project Manager at Thessaloniki Locarno Industry Academy and Project Manager at Thessaloniki Agora Doc/Boost Lab.

Giannis Iliadis is a member of the Special Technical Laboratory Staff  (ETEP), of the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication (DCTC) of the University of the Aegean, having as field of knowledge: “Research, Documentation and Management of Digital Cultural Data”. His research interests focus on social research and data recording and documentation on issues related to digital culture and cultural representation (theoretical and methodological issues), on the  performance of cultural events, as well as on issues related to the promotion and management of cultural data using new multimedia and internet technologies. He is a member of the “Image, Sound and Cultural Representation” research laboratory of the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication and he has worked and cooperated in the implementation of several research projects, concerning issues related to digital culture and cultural representation.

Η Ευαγγελία Καβακλή είναι διευθύντρια του Εργαστηρίου Πολιτισμικών Πληροφορικών Συστημάτων, στο Τμήμα Πολιτισμικής Τεχνολογίας και Επικοινωνίας, του Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου. Τα ερευνητικά της ενδιαφέροντα περιλαμβάνουν την εννοιολογική μοντελοποίηση, την ανάλυση απαιτήσεων Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων, καθώς και θέματα που αφορούν στην τεκμηρίωση και διαχείριση πολιτισμικών δεδομένων. Οι ερευνητικές της δραστηριότητες έχουν χρηματοδοτηθεί από τη Γενική Γραμματεία Έρευνας και Τεχνολογίας, το Υπουργείο Παιδείας, το Βρετανικό Ερευνητικό Συμβούλιο Φυσικών Επιστημών και Τεχνολογίας και την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Η πρόσφατη έρευνά της αφορά στη σχεδίαση κυβερνο-φυσικών συστημάτων (ερευνητικό έργο H2020 DISRUPT). Είναι μέλος της συντακτικής επιτροπής του διεθνούς επιστημονικού περιοδικού Requirements Engineering και μέλος της οργανωτικής επιτροπής σημαντικού αριθμού διεθνών συνεδρίων στον τομέα των πληροφοριακών συστημάτων.
Dr. Vlasis Kasapakis holds a Bachelor’s degree in “Cultural Technology and Communication,” a Master’s degree in “Cultural Informatics and Communication,” a Ph.D. in the field of “Pervasive Games,” and a postdoctoral research diploma in “Interaction in Mixed Reality Environments,” all obtained from the University of the Aegean in 2007, 2009, 2016, and 2018, respectively. He currently serves as a Tenured Assistant Professor at the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication at the University of the Aegean with an academic focus on “Extended Reality – XR” . His research covers the entire spectrum of Extended Reality in the fields of culture, mediated communication, and games. Additionally, his research activity extends to mobile and pervasive computing, as well as the design and development of mobile and web applications in the domains of culture, tourism, and gaming. He has published over 70 articles on these topics in international scientific journals, book chapters, and proceedings of international and national scientific conferences. He is a member of the editorial board of the international journal Frontiers in Virtual Reality and has also served as a program committee member for international scientific conferences in the fields of Extended Reality and Mobile/Pervasive Computing.
He has participated, or is currently participating, as a researcher in numerous research and development projects funded by national and European resources. Finally, to date, he has supervised one completed Ph.D. dissertation, 23 master’s theses, and 7 undergraduate theses in the field of Extended Reality.

Dr. Angeliki Kitsiou is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication at the University of the Aegean, specializing in “Sociology of the Internet and Design of Social Requirements in Modern Digital Environments”, as well as a member of the Research Laboratory Privacy Engineering and Social Informatics (PrivaSI)  of the Department. Since 2017, she has taught at the Hellenic Open University in the Master’s Program “Educational Sciences,” in the thematic unit “Education: Cultural Differences and Social Inequalities,” and since 2020 at ASPAITE in the course “Educational Research Methodology.” She elaborated her postdoctoral research at the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication and received her doctoral degree from the Department of Sociology at the University of the Aegean, as well as the Certificate of Pedagogical and Teaching Competency from ASPAITE. She has participated in several funded programs, studying the relationship between new technologies and fields such as education, social control, privacy protection in digital environments, innovative educational methodologies and quality assurance methods in education, and applied social policies for migration and youth. Her research interests and publications in peer-reviewed journals and conferences focus on the field of Internet Sociology and Social Informatics.

Konstantinos Kotis (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7838-9691) is currently a tenure track associate professor at the University of the Aegean, Dept. of Cultural Informatics and Communication. His research interests include Knowledge Engineering, Semantic Web technologies, Semantic Web of Things, and conversational/generative AI. He has published more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences (Google Scholar h-index 23, citations>2300) and served as reviewer and PC member in several journals and conference events. He has also contributed to several national and European projects from different roles/positions. For more, please visit: http://i-lab.aegean.gr/kotis.

Ο Νίκος Μπουμπάρης είναι Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής στο Τμήμα Πολιτισμικής Τεχνολογίας και Επικοινωνίας του Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου, στο γνωστικό αντικείμενο «Πολιτιστική Αναπαράσταση και Δημιουργικά Μέσα». Τα ερευνητικά του ενδιαφέροντα κινούνται στον χώρο συνάντησης της πολιτισμικής θεωρίας με τα ψηφιακά μέσα και ειδικότερα στις περιοχές της δημιουργίας ψηφιακού περιεχομένου, του σχεδιασμού διεπαφών χρήσης σε πολυμεσικές εφαρμογές και του ηχητικού σχεδιασμού. Έχει παρουσιάσει εργασίες του σε συνέδρια, περιοδικά και βιβλία για τις κινητές και desktop πολυμεσικές εφαρμογές, τις ηχητικές κουλτούρες και τέχνες, την πολιτιστική παραγωγή και τη μουσική βιομηχανία, τα ηλεκτρονικά παιχνίδια και τις νεανικές κουλτούρες. Έχει επιμεληθεί βιβλία σε ζητήματα πολιτισμικής θεωρίας πολιτιστικών βιομηχανιών και πολιτιστικής αναπαράστασης. Έχει συνεργαστεί στη δημιουργία ακουστικών περιπάτων (audio walks) και βιντεοπεριπάτων (videowalks), συνθέσεων ηχοτοπίου, διαδραστικών εγκαταστάσεων και πολυμεσικών έργων που έχουν παρουσιαστεί σε αίθουσες τέχνης, μουσεία, πολιτιστικές εκθέσεις και εικαστικές δράσεις στο δημόσιο χώρο, στην Ελλάδα και στο εξωτερικό.

Sofia Mytilinaou is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Graphic Design & Visual Communication (School of Applied Arts and Culture) of the University of West Attica with the subject “Graphic Design-Interface and User Experience Design”. She teaches in the under-graduate and postgraduate program of the Department and in the postgraduate program of the University of the Aegean (Department of Cultural Technology & Communication). Sofia specializes in the fields of Graphic and UI/UX Design, with passion for innovative ideas and design of innovative experiences in mixed reality environments. She holds a PhD in Cultural Technology and Communication (University of the Aegean) studying audience active participation in mixed-reality environments. Her research work has been published in international peer-reviewed conferences and books, focusing mainly on cultural studies, design, active participation and user experience.

Gerasimos Pavlogeorgatos is a Professor at the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication of the University of the Aegean. He is the director (since 2013) of the Cultural Heritage Management Laboratory (CHMLab) at the University of the Aegean. He was the director of the MSc programme “Cultural Informatics and Communication” of the University of the Aegean, (https://ci.aegean.gr). His research interests include cultural planning, preservation of natural and cultural heritage, use of modern technologies (databases, GIS, digital representations, etc.) for recording, documentation, protection and promotion of natural and cultural heritage. He has published (more than 85) papers in scientific journals, proceedings of scientific conferences and chapters in edited volumes related to his research interests. He is the author or editor of scientific books related to his research interests. He has participated in a large number of research projects and studies (>50) on the management of the natural and cultural environment and the preservation of the cultural heritage, in several of which he has been the scientific coordinator. Since 2000, he has been teaching at the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication of the University of the Aegean in undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Since 2003, he has supervised a large number of postgraduate and undergraduate theses (>70) and three completed doctoral theses on topics related to his research interests. For more information:


e-mail: gpav@aegean.gr

Η Δέσποινα Πούλου είναι Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια στο Τμήμα Πολιτισμικής Τεχνολογίας και Επικοινωνίας του Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου, στο γνωστικό αντικείμενο «Πολιτισμός και Ψηφιακές Οπτικοακουστικές Τέχνες». Τα ερευνητικά της ενδιαφέροντα βρίσκονται στα πεδία της θεωρίας και της αισθητικής του κινηματογράφου, με έμφαση σε ζητήματα που απασχολούν τη φιλοσοφία του κινηματογράφου, όπως και τη φιλοσοφία στον κινηματογράφο. Πλέον η έρευνά της εστιάζεται και σε θέματα διακειμενικότητας και διαμεσικότητας στον κινηματογράφο και ειδικότερα στη συνομιλία του φιλμικού κειμένου με το λογοτεχνικό, γεγονός που αποτυπώνεται και στην πρόσφατα ολοκληρωθείσα μεταδιδακτορική έρευνά της. Έχει παρουσιάσει, σε περιοδικά και συνέδρια, εργασίες που διερευνούν πτυχές της συνομιλίας του κινηματογράφου με τη φιλοσοφία, τη λογοτεχνία και τη ζωγραφική, έχει υπάρξει διευθύντρια-εκδότρια τετραμηνιαίου ηλεκτρονικού επιστημονικού περιοδικού, το οποίο φιλοξενούσε δοκίμια για τη σχέση της λογοτεχνίας με τον κινηματογράφο, και είναι συγγραφέας του βιβλίου Η φιλοσοφία του ερωτισμού στον κινηματογράφο: Μπατάιγ, Μπερτολούτσι, Όσιμα (Αθήνα, Αιγόκερως, 2022).

Evi Sampanikou is Professor of Visual Culture and Art History at the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication at the University of the Aegean [https://www.ct.aegean.gr/]. She has studied Archaeology and English Literature. Among her past positions are: contract lecturer at the University of Thrace (Komotini, Greece) (2000-2003) and consultant instructor at the Hellenic Open University (1999 – today). Her early research (1989-1998) focused on post-Byzantine painting and Renaissance art theory while later on (1998-2008) the focus moved to photography, new media art, comics & graphic novels, issues of cultural management and also the reflections of modern and contemporary philosophy on art. From 2008 to nowadays she is involved in research on all forms of Posthumanism (Critical Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Metahumanism), primarily focusing on Critical Posthumanism. She is a founding member of the Beyond Humanism Conference Series and she has for years (since 2009) actively been participating in international events, workshops and research activities related to Posthumanism. Among her publications of the last decade are: Evi D. Sampanikou (ed) (2017). Audiovisual Posthumanism, Cambridge Scholars Press [book], Evi D. Sampanikou & Jan Stasienko (eds) (2021), Posthuman Studies Reader. Core Readings on Transhumanism, Posthumanism and Metahumanism. Schwabe Verlag [book], Evi D. Sampanikou (2022). “Visual Culture, Posthumanism and the Pythagorean Paradigm. Documentary vs the Politicization of Truth”, Journal of Posthumanism, Volume: 2, No: 1, pp. 57 – 63, Evi D. Sampanikou (2022). “Art Has Always Been the Product of a Philosophizing Cyborg. Looking Inside Philosophy of Posthuman Art by Stefan Lorenz Sorgner”, Deliberatio. Studies in Contemporary Philosophical Challenges, Volume: 2, No: 2, pp. 7-18 and Evi D. Sampanikou (2023). “Misunderstandings around Posthumanism. Lost in Translation? Metahumanism and Jaime del Val’s “Metahuman Futures Manifesto” (2022)”, Journal of Posthumanism, June 2023. She is currently working on a book on posthuman art.

Irini Stathi is Professor at the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication of the University of the Aegean in the field of Film Studies, History and Theory of Cinema. She has been teaching in the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Program of the Department since 2003. She studied Theory of Theory at the Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo (Discipline of Arts, Music and Theatre) at the University of Bologna and holds a PhD from the University of Panteion-Athens. She has worked at the University of Patras (Department of Communication, Culture and Media) and at the University of Patras (Department of Theatre Studies) and has collaborated with University Institutions in Europe and has worked with various cultural and audiovisual organizations in Greece and abroad. She has directed research projects and has published extensively on Film Theory, Film History, Greek and European Cinema. Her scholarly work has been published in books, monographs as well as scholarly articles and conferences in Greece and abroad and focuses on Film Studies, as well as on the History and Theory of cinema, the Documentary film, the relationship between Cinema and the other Arts, and Semiotics of the moving image. Finally, she directed the documentaries Petra (2005-2006) and The face of the Pine trees (2007-2008).

Alexandros Spathis studied sound engineering but quickly transitioned into the multimedia industry, focusing on image and sound editing, and later on 3D graphics. Since 2002, he has been working in the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, overseeing the audiovisual laboratories. He holds the technical directorship of the “Image, Sound, and Cultural Representation” Laboratory and has participated in numerous research and development programs funded by national and European resources, focusing on the audio & video editing for documentaries, production of 3D graphics and overall image and sound for multimedia applications and installations.

Angeliki Chrysanthi serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, specializing in “Interactive Storytelling and Digital Cultural Heritage.” In 2015, she is awarded her PhD from the University of Southampton. Her research focuses on the interdisciplinary field of Interactive Digital Narrative, with particular emphasis on theoretical and applied approaches that explore the (co-)creation and communication of complex narratives, especially in the context of culture. Her teaching and published work are in topics such as digital cultural heritage interpretation, design and evaluation of narrative flows in applications and games, and exploration of spatial and social patterns emerging in Extended Reality (XR) experiences. She has co-authored and co-edited numerous publications in these fields and has participated in national and international research projects in the broader domain of Digital Cultural Heritage.

Η Νάσια Χουρμουζιάδη σπούδασε σε τρία διαφορετικά εκπαιδευτικά περιβάλλοντα (Χημεία, Αρχιτεκτονική, Αρχαιολογία), προσπαθώντας να συνδυάσει τη «θετικιστική» μεθοδολογία, το δημιουργικό σχεδιασμό και τη θεωρητική αναζήτηση στο πεδίο της διαχείρισης και κοινωνικής αξιοποίησης των πολιτισμικών πόρων, και, κυρίως, την μουσειακή διαχείριση του παρελθόντος. Οι προβληματισμοί και οι προτάσεις της δοκιμάστηκαν στην πράξη σε μια σειρά μελετών που αφορούν συγκρότηση πλαισίων διαχείρισης πολιτισμικών πόρων, επεμβάσεις σε αρχαιολογικούς χώρους –όπως το Οικομουσείο του Δισπηλιού-, μουσειακές εκθέσεις –όπως το Μουσείο Κινηματογράφου Θεσσαλονίκης- και εκθεσιακά πειράματα εκτός των θεσμικών μουσειακών τειχών. Οι θεωρητικοί και μεθοδολογικοί της προβληματισμοί, εμπλουτισμένοι με τα αποτελέσματα της εκθεσιακής πράξης, παρουσιάζονται σε βιβλία, άρθρα και παρουσιάσεις σε συνέδρια. Είναι Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια και Διευθύντρια του Εργαστηρίου Μουσειολογίας στο Τμήμα Πολιτισμικής Τεχνολογίας και Επικοινωνίας του Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου. Κύρια ερευνητικά ενδιαφέροντα: θεωρητικά και μεθοδολογικά ζητήματα του μουσειακού φαινομένου, θεωρητικά και μεθοδολογικά ζητήματα του εκθεσιακού σχεδιασμού, διαχείριση πολιτισμικών πόρων, δημόσια αρχαιολογία, καθώς και η εισβολή της ψηφιακής πραγματικότητας στα παραπάνω.


Andromachi Vrakatseli specialises in sound and new media in art and cultural industries. She holds a PhD from the University of the Aegean in the field of «sound art and exhibition space», investigating the relationships between sound, body and space. Her PhD is the first one in Greece in the field of sound studies. In her postgraduate studies in Music Technology at the University of York she specialised in interactive art technologies using Max/Msp/Jitter as well as on the relationship between sound and image. Her scientific research and sound artworks have been presented at international conferences regarding sound (The Global Composition 2018, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Sounding out the space Conference, Dublin School of Creative Arts, Sonic Realities Conference, University of Aberdeen etc.), in cultural exhibitions and journals (Leonardo Electronic Almanac MIT Press, Seismograf etc.). She has academic experience in sound design and sound art at the Universities of Western Macedonia and Thessaly. She organizes educational programs in the field of sound, image and digital media (National Museum of Contemporary Art, Eugenides Foundation, etc.).

Eleni Galani is a museologist and PhD candidate at the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication of the University of the Aegean. She has participated in research projects, exhibitions, museum educational programs and audiovisual productions. Her research interests focus on exhibition design, audiovisual arts and the use of moving image as an exhibition tool. She is a member of the Museology Research Laboratory of the University of the Aegean Museolab and the Greek Documentary Association. 

Elena Dzardanova is a PhD candidate at the Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering, and she is continuously employed as a researcher in funded academic research programs all intermixing novel technologies and culture. Her thesis examines psycho-social implications and proposes a new research methodology for better developing and understanding virtual reality and immersive technologies. She is an expert in the design, management and conduction of social experiments with human participants and in her career so far she has interviewed, either for audio-visual productions or her own experiments, over 300 individuals. Her diverse personal and educational background has allowed her to approach all types of media with profound insight, balancing cultural and societal understandings with the demands and challenges of the implicated technologies employed and practicalities of development.

Elisavet Kelidou is a graduate of the Department of Graphic Design at the School of Graphic Arts and Artistic Studies of the University of West Attica (formerly ATEI Athens). She holds a Master of Science (MSc) in Cultural Informatics from the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication at the University of the Aegean. As a professional graphic designer, she has been involved in print and digital communication for businesses and organizations. She has collaborated with the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, undertaking graphic design and visual management for both temporary and permanent exhibitions, as well as the design of interactive applications with cultural content. Since 2010, she has been teaching at the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication at the University of the Aegean, focusing on an interdisciplinary approach to visual communication design and multimedia applications. Her teaching and research work revolves around design methodology, the dynamics of visual storytelling in exhibition environments, and the integration of contemporary technologies in shaping communication experiences.

Research Interests

  • The structure and process of design in communication.
  • Design perception and the visualization of ideas and messages in exhibitions and museums.
  • The integration of new technologies into design methodology and their role as a means of expression and communication.

Ο Σέργιος Κοτσόβουλος είναι πολυβραβευμένος σκηνοθέτης/σκηνογράφος. Η ταινία  «Echo» που σκηνοθέτησε το 2021, έχει αποσπάσει πάνω από 25 διεθνή βραβεία έχοντας συμμετάσχει σε περισσότερα από 90 φεστιβάλ. Από το 2018 είναι μέλος των πρωτοπόρων σε Virtual Reality (VR εικονική πραγματικότητα) και Expanded Reality (XR επαυξημένη πραγματικότητα) MALVI. Από το 2014 έως το 2019 ήταν συνιδρυτικό μέλος του ολιστικού γραφείου οπτικής επικοινωνίας και φιλμ “WITHIN” (Ermis Awards, ΕΒΓΕ, Digital media awards) και ήταν ένας από τους καλλιτεχνικούς διευθυντές της πολυβραβευμένης (Χρυσό ΕΒΓΕ γραφιστικής 2016) ομάδας “ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΟΝ” στην Στοά Εμπόρων στην Αθήνα. Ο Σέργιος έχει μακροχρόνια εμπειρία στις παραγωγές σε πλατό και σε post production ξεκινώντας σαν 3d Animator και συνεχίζοντας σαν σκηνοθέτης, σκηνογράφος και σαν σχεδιαστής για τηλεπαιχνίδια, εκπομπές, διαφημιστικά και ταινίες για τις περισσότερες εταιρείες παραγωγής στην Ελλάδα.  Μεταξύ άλλων παράλληλων δράσεων, έχει διατελέσει μέλος της κριτικής επιτροπής στα βραβεία Ermis, ομιλητής στο Design Athens, αρθρογράφος στο περιοδικό Φωτογράφος από το 2012, ενώ είναι ιδρυτικό μέλος της ΑΣΙΦΑ ΕΛΛΑΣ.

Η Γκέλυ Μαδεμλή είναι υποψήφια διδάκτορας στο Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis του Πανεπιστημίου του Άμστερνταμ, óπου εκπονεί την έρευνά της για τις εννοιολογήσεις της κρίσης στην ελληνική κινηματογραφική κληρονομιά. Άρθρα της έχουν δημοσιευτεί σε διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά και συλλογικούς τóμους, ενώ επίσης έχει εργαστεί ως δημοσιογράφος για τον ελληνικó έντυπο και διαδικτυακó περιοδικó Τύπο. Από το 2012 έχει αναλάβει τον συντονισμό των εκδόσεων του Φεστιβάλ Κινηματογράφου Θεσσαλονίκης, και έχει εργαστεί για τον ίδιο οργανισμό ως μέλος της ομάδας προγράμματος, συντάκτρια, επιμελήτρια ύλης και μεταφράστρια. Έχει διδάξει τα μαθήματα «Εισαγωγή στις κινηματογραφικές σπουδές», «Digital memory and Sovereignty» και «Ακαδημαϊκή Γραφή» στο Amsterdam University College και στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Άμστερνταμ, όπου επίσης έχει επιβλέψει πτυχιακές εργασίες. Έχει διατελέσει βασικό μέλος του Διεθνούς Φεστιβάλ Κινηματογράφου της Σύρου (SIFF), όπου εργάστηκε ως υπεύθυνη του Γραφείου Τύπου, συντάκτρια προτάσεων χρηματοδότησης και προγραμματίστρια. Έχει επιμεληθεί κινηματογραφικά προγράμματα για χώρους όπως το LIMA (lima.nl), η ΟΤ301 (ot301.nl) και η Ταινιοθήκη της Βραζιλίας (Mostra de Cinema Grego). Είναι μέλος της εκδοτικής ομάδας της επιστημονικής επιθεώρησης Filmicon: Journal of Greek Film Studies. https://independent.academia.edu/GeliMademli

Dr. Alexandros Tourtas graduated in 2007 from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) receiving a BA in History & Archaeology. In 2010 he obtained an MSc degree in “Protection and management of monuments and archaeological sites” from the University of Thessaloniki and in 2014 he concluded his MA course in “Maritime archaeology” in the University of Southampton (UK). He defended his thesis on “Protection and management of maritime archaeological sites in Greece. A theoretical and methodological approach” in 2017 receiving a PhD title from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. At present he is conducting postdoctoral research at the University of Aegean – School of Social Sciences, Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, where he also teaches undergraduate and postgraduate classes.  He has taken part in many research projects in Greece and abroad. His research interests comprise the fields of archaeological research, Cultural Heritage management, communication of scientific knowledge to the public, cultural theory and digital culture.  

Ο Φώτης Υφαντίδης είναι αρχαιολόγος/μουσειολόγος. Σπούδασε αρχαιολογία στο Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, όπου έλαβε μεταπτυχιακό και διδακτορικό δίπλωμα, και μουσειολογία στο Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου, όπου εκπονεί μεταδιδακτορική έρευνα. Έχει εργαστεί ως αρχαιολόγος στο ανασκαφικό πεδίο και σε μουσεία, ως αρχαιολόγος/φωτογράφος σε ερευνητικά προγράμματα αρχαιολογικής εθνογραφίας ενώ συμμετείχε στον σχεδιασμό και εφαρμογή μουσειολογικών έργων. Τα ερευνητικά του ενδιαφέροντα επικεντρώνονται στη σχέση εικόνας και αρχαιολογίας με έμφαση στην τέχνη/αρχαιολογία και στην οπτικοποίηση και έκθεση της αρχαιολογικής πράξης. Έχει δημοσιεύσει κείμενα σε επιστημονικές επιθεωρήσεις και συλλογικούς τόμους καθώς και μονογραφίες, τόσο σε σχέση με τις προϊστορικές πρακτικές προσωπικής κόσμησης, που αποτελεί την αρχαιολογική του εξειδίκευση, όσο και για την εικόνα ως τμήμα της αρχαιολογικής εργαλειοθήκης.

Stamatis Chatzistamatis is a Computer Scientist holding a master’s degree in Management Science and Information Systems. He also holds a Ph.D. in the field of object classification in three dimensions using deep learning techniques. He works at the Democritus University of Thrace and has previously worked in an IT solutions company and as a hardware consultant. His research interests include 3D computer vision, machine learning through computational intelligence methods such as neural networks, and the application of these techniques in image processing and reality-based 3D modeling for cultural heritage documentation. As part of his research activity, he has published papers in peer-reviewed international journals, peer-reviewed international conferences, and book chapters. He has participated in research projects either as a researcher or as a fellow and has collaborated with foreign universities under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship.

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